Act Book of the Ecclesiastical Court of Whalley 1510-1538


The following are Ormerod entries contained in the Act Book of the Ecclesiastical Court of Whalley 1510-1538.

The book that has been used as the source for these entries is a transcription of the original records, and was printed for the Chetham Society in 1901. It was edited by Alice M. Cooke, M.A.

"Curia tenta in Ecclesia parochiali de Whalley, xiiijmo die mensis Nouembris Anno Domini Millesimo quingentisimo xvjmo coram Commissario prelibato.

Special court held in the parish church of Whalley, 14 Nov. 1516, before the Commissary.

Probate case. Richard Barens v. Alice Ormerod.

Ad diem et locum predictos citata fuit Alicia Ormerode, Relicta et executrix Georgij Ormerode, jurisdiccionis nostre predicte ad respondendum Ricardo Barens, Executori Willelmi Barens patris sui, in quadam causa testamentaria siue impeticione vltime voluntatis predicti Willelmi. Que dictis loco et die euocata non comparuit; sed Willelmus Byrtwysyłł comparuit nomine predicte Alicie tanquam excusator ipsius allegans ipsam adeo infirmam esse quod non potest legitime venire, et super hoc prestitit corporale juramentum. Et super hoc continuata est causa in statu quo nunc usque as diem Lune proximum post ffestum Sancti Andree Apostoli proximum futurum.

Ad quam diem comparuerunt partes predicte. et propter defectum legis periti continuatur in statu quo nunc usque ad diem Lune proximum post festum purificacionis beate Marie proximeum futurum. Et predicta Alicia constituit Willelmum Bercroft et Georgium Haworthe suos attornatos, cum potestate jurandi de Calumpnia et aliud quodcunque juramentum licitum in animam suam prestandi. et prestitit corporale juramentum ad standum ad omne illud quod predicti attornati sui fecerint vel alter eorum fecerit in predicta caus. Inde caucionem exponens sub Ipotheca omnium bonorum suorum, et de rato habendo, cum potestate subsistuendi et omnibus alijs clausulis consuentis et necessarijs."

In 1518 "Oliuerus Ormerode" is named as a juror in Rossendale for "Okenhede woode, Gamblehede cum Dunnokshaghe."

In 1519 a John Ormerod is named as a juror for Rossendale, comprising "Constable Le. Bacok booth. Tunstede. Wulfendene. Dedwyne Cloghe. Rowtenstalghe. Crawshabothe. Goodshaghe. Love cloghe. Wulfenden cloghe."

In 1522 Oliver Ormerod is noted as a juror for Rossendale.

"Johannes Ormerode de Donokshay" is shown as a juror for "Rossyndale" in 1526.

"Johannes Ormerode" shown as Rossendale juror for "Donockshagh" in 1527.

"Johannes Ormerode de Gamonsyde" shown as a Rossendale juror in 1530.

"Johannes Armerode de Wolfendene bothe. nullo modo." - Rossendale juror in 1532.

"Johannes Armerode de Gamylside, personaliter." - Rossendale juror in 1534/35.

"John Ormerode, senior" and "Johannes Ormerode, junior. nullo modo, ideo suspensus." - noted in the list of Rossendale jurors in 1536.

"Georgius Hermerod" is noted as a juror for "Redlay Hawlos" at the meeting of the Chapter held in the parish church at Whalley on 3 October 1537.

One of the cases that George Ormerod then presents is that of John Ormerod, who, it is reported, has beget a bastard by Lucy Habrynchem.

"Johannes Hermerod procreauit prolem cum Lucia Habryncham."

At a subsequent meeting of the Chapter in the parish church at Whalley on 6 November 1537, John Ormerod was sentenced to do penance of two Lord's Days in the Chapel of Rossendale with a candle in his hand, barefooted and bareheaded and clad only in his shirt.

"Officium contra Johannem Hermerod. Fatetur articulo. In- iunctum est penitencie ad circuendam capellam de Rossyndalle duobus Dominisis diebus, cum candela in manu sua presium denarij."

A "George Hermerod, junior." is noted as a Rossendale juror for "Gamyllsyde" in the Chapter held on 3 October 1537.