The Will of Peter Ormerod (1650)


Transcribed from the original document by Ian Ormerod.


"In the name of God: Amen: the XXVII daie of September Anno ….. ….. Jesu Christ (….. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... I Peter Ormerod of Ormerod in Cliviger in the Parrishe of or chappellrie of Burnley and countie of Lancaster …., sound in bodie and of good and perfect memorie (Praised God therefore) consideringe this humane lyfe to be transitorie and uncertaine; and myndinge the good and … of all my children, soe as all future stryfe maie be prevented and brotherlie love continued amongst them I do constitute ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge revokinge and annullinge by these presents all and everie testaments will or wills herebefore by mee made or declared eyther by word or rytinge, and this to be taken onelye for my last will and testament non other; And first and principallie being penitent and sorrie for my sinnes past, and humbly desyringe foregiveness of the same, I give and commit my sole unto almighty God my savior and Redeemer in whom and by whose meritte I trust and believe assuredlie to be saved, and to have full remission of all my sinnes, and that my soule with my

bodie, at the last daie, shall ryse againe through the said meritt of Christ inherit the kingdome of heaven prepared child and chosen, and my bodie to christian buryall, where and when it shall please God to call mee, and at the descretion of my executors heerin heerafter named. And whereas I the said Peter Ormerod, by a Surrender bearinge date the XXIII daie of October in the eighth yeare of the raigne of Charles late kinge of England I have surrended into the hands of the said kings ...., according to the custome of the Manor one barne other buildings one garden, one ....., called by the name of Carrehey Brigge and certaine .... or parcels of land called or knowne by the severall names of Haberham ...., Habergham Mabergham .…, the croft, ..., .... the Stubbinge, the ...., and the rough field lyinge and being at Carrehey Brigge aforesaid, within the forest or chase of Trawden and Manor of Colne aforesaid, of the olde ...., contayinge in themselves ten acres of land, be it more or lesse, now in occupation of William Ormerod, one of the yonge sonnes of mee the said Peter Ormerod or his assigns, to the use and Behest of John Hartley of Admorgill, and Robert Jackson the sonne and heire apparent of Christopher Jackson late of Worstone deceased, and their heires, thereof to bee .... in trust, syned and. seized accordinge to the custome of the said Manor of Colne, to performe and fullfill such uses intents and limitations as are specified recyted and declared, in an intent, to the same Surrender annexed, and to noe other use, intent, or purpose in anieway, by with said intent, accordinge to the true meaninge thereof and of the said Surrender (amongst other things), It is limited and declared that immediately after the decease of mee the said Peter Ormerod and Margaret now my wiffe and the survivor of us, Then the said .... and their heires shall stand and be syned and seized in and upon the said Messuage barne other buildings, garden, ...., ...., and parcells of land, and other said premisses and appurtenances contayninge in the whole ten acres of land, be it more or less, and in and upon everie parte and parcell thereof, to the use and behest of the said William Ormerod and Olliver Ormerod his brother, children of mee the said Peter Ormerod and Margaret my said wiffe, and their assigns or otherwyse at the choice and libertie of mee the said persons or their assigns as I the said Peter Ormerod in my last will and testament in wrytinge shall nominate and appoint, for and duringe the whole terme and tyme of ten yeares from thence next and immediately followinge fullie to be complete and ended, onely for or towards the education or preferrment of them the said William and Olliver Ormerod or eyther of them duringe the same terme, and the whole benefit and profits of the same surrendered premisses to be devyded and disposed of by and between them the said William and Olliver, accordinge to such quantitye and proportion, and in such manner and forme, dureinge all the said terme of ten yeares, as I the said Peter Ormerod, in and by my said last will and testament shall limitt, devyse and appoint, as in and by the said Surrender and the said Intent thereto annexed, more at large is specified and declared. Now … I the said Peter Ormerod the testator In consideration that the said Messuage and ten acres land with the appurtenances and certaine other freehold lands at the Carrehey Brigge aforesaid, lately purchased by mee the said Peter Ormeod from Alice Towneley of the Carrehall widow, or the inheiritance of the same premisses are alreadie stated and doe remaine unto the said William and the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten or to be begotten, and for other considerations …. ...., Therefore I the said Peter Ormerod doe by this my last will and testament, and by force and vertue of such power libertie or authoritie, as unto mee is given and reserved in and by the said Surrender and the said Intent thereto annexed, limitt and appoint, and it is my will and mynde, That the said Robert Jackson now survivinge .... of the said John Hartley deceased, and the heires of the said Robert Jackson shall stand and seized in and upon the said .... Messuage other buildinges and ten acres of land, be it more or …. their appurtenances immediately after the naturall decease of the survivor of mee the said Peter Ormerod and Margaret my sid wiffe, To the onely use and behest

By mee Peter Ormerod

Witness hereof

Thomas Eastwood

John Hartley

Robert Hartley

of the said Olliver Ormerod my sonne and of his assigns for and dureinge all the said terme of ten yeares fullie to bee complete and ended, by the onely rents and services to be due and payable to the church and the lord of lords of the said Manor of Colne, dureinge the said terme: Provyded never the less, and upon condition, and it is the true intent and meaninge of mee the said Peter Ormerod, in and by this my present last will and testament, That if the said William Ormerod or his assigns, doe well and truely content and paie or cause to be contented and paid unto the said Olliver Ormerod or his assigns, the true and full somme of Twentie pounds of lawfull english money within the space of three three months next ensueinge after the natural decease of the survivor of mee the said Peter Orrnerod and Margaret my said wiffe at one whole and entyre payment, without anie fraud or delay, that then upon and after such true payment of the said somme of twentie pounds, All the estate interest and the terme of yeares of the said Olliver Ormerod or his assigns of in and unto the said Messuage and ten acres of land with appurtenances by force and vertue of the said Surrender and the intent thereto annexed, or by force and vertue of this my present last will and testament, to be utterlie void to all intents and purposes, and henceforth the said Robert Jackson the said survivinge … and his heires to stand and be seized in and upon the said surrendered messuage and ten of land and everie parte and parcell thereof, To the onely use and behest of the said William Ormerod of the heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten and to bee begotten: Anie thinge in the said Surrender or intent or in this my present last will and testament mentioned or contayned to the contrarie thereof in aniewyse not with standinge: And whereas also John Holter of Read and RichardTomme of Cliviger ……. ...., by and at the request and together with mee the said Peter Ormerod by another Surrender bearinge date the eleventh daie of November in the eleventh yeare of the raigne of the said kinge Charles late of England. I have surrendered into the hands of the said late kinges ..... accordinge to the custome of wapentake court of the Hundred of Blackburne (amongst other thinges) One Messuage other buildings and eleven acres of land called Lowhouseland with three roods of land and one house thereupon builded lately improved from the waste of Cliviger aforesaid, and also twentie acres and two parts of one acre of land newe improvement, be it more or lesse, lyinge and neere adjooninge unto the Ffoxstones in Cliviger aforesaid,To the use and behest of Randle Holter sonne and heire apparent of the said John Holter and Robert Tomme sonne and heire apparent of the said Richard Tomme and their heires, to bee thereof, .... in trust, syned and seized to perform and fullfill such use uses and in tents limitations provisions and agreements as are here mentioned expressed and declared, in a certaine pair of Indentures, bearinge date the said eleventh dai of November in the said eleventh yeare of ye raigne of the said late kinge Charles over England.., made betweene rnee the said Peter Orrnerod on the one parte, and Lawrence Ormerod late of Manton within the Parrish of Eccles and countie of Lancaster aforesaid deceased late sonne and heire apparent of mee the said Peter Ormerod on the other parte, by which Indentures (amongst other thinges) it is Provided and agreed by and betweene the said parties to the same Indenture That the said Randle Holter and his said co .... and their heires and the survivor of them and his heires, shall stand and be syned and seized as .... in trust as aforesaid (after the end and determinations of other use and uses estate and estates mentioned expressed and limitted to severall person or persons formerlie in and by the same Indentures), in and upon the said Messuage other buildinges and eleven acres of land with the said three roods of land and one house thereupon builded, and together with the said twentie acres and two partes of one acre of land, lyinge next unto the Ffoxstones aforesaid, and in and upon everie parte and parcell thereof, to the use and behest of such person or persons their executors .... or assigns, as I the said Peter Ormerod shall nominate devyse and appoint the same unto, in and by my last will and testament in wrytinge, dureinge and until the said Lawrence Ormerod deceased or such other person or persons to whom the inheiritance of the same last recyted premisses shall appertaine and belonge, by force and vertue and according to the true meaninge of the same Indentures, doe and shall well and truely content and pai unto such said person or persons to be nominated and appointed as aforesaid, the true and full somme of three score pounds of lawfull english money at such daies and tymes and in such maner and forme as I the said Peter Ormerod in and by my last will and testament shall limitt declare and appoint aforesaid: Now I the said Peter Ormerod the testator, in regard and consideration, that I have alreadie in parte preferred, or otherwyse made provision by good securitie preclaiment of most of my other children, by force and vertue of such power and authoritie as unto mee the said testator is given and reserved in and by the said Surender and Indentures, doe by this my present last will and testament in wrytinge, limitt, declare and appoint, as it is my full and free mynde, and last will and testament, That they the said

Randle Holter and. Robert Tornme .... in the said Surrender named and their heires shal stand and be syned and seized, in and upon the said Messuage and other buildinges and in and upon certaine .... or parcells of land comonlie called or knowne by the severall names as the Millcroft, the .... therunto adjoyinge, the ..... adjoyinge to the same, John Toste of the …. and the new field contayninge by estimate eleven acres of wapertake lands as aforesaid, adjoyninge in severall plotts of the same premisses to other wapentake houses and lands being the late inheiritance of William Whitaker late of Holme in Cliviger aforesaid

By mee Peter Ormerod

Witness hereof

Thomas Eastwood

John Hartley

Robert Hartley

deceased, and in and upon the said three roods of land, with one house thereupon builded, and also in and upon the said twentie acres and two partes of an acre of land of newe improvement lyinge neere unto the Ffoxstones aforesaid, with all and everie their appuryenancea immediately after the naturall decease of mee the said Peter Ormerod, To the use and behest of George Ormerod my sonne and Anne Ormerod my daughter and their assigns, for and dureinge the terme of fiftie yeares from thence next and immediately ensueinge fullie to be complete and. ended, by and under the onely tythes rents and services to be due and payable for all or anie parte of the said premisses unto the church or to the lord or lords of the said wapentake holde, dureinge all the said terme of fiftie yeares: Provyded always and never the less, upon condition, and it is the true intent and meaninge of mee the said Peter Ormerod, in and by this my present last will and testament, That if Peter Ormerod my grandsonne, sonne and heire of the said Lawrence Ormerod deceased, or such other person or persons, to whom the inheiritance of all the said last recyted premisses shall appertaine and belong, by force and vertue, and accordinge to the true intent and meaninge of the said Indenture, doe and shall well and truely content and paie, unto them the said George Ormerod the sonne and Anne Ormerod the daughter or their assigns, the the true and full some of Three score pounds of lawfull english money equallie to be devyded betwixt them, within the space of one whole yeare next followinge after the naturall decease of mee the said Peter Ormerod or at the end of anie other yeare dureinge all the said terme of fiftie yeares, without anie further fraud or delay, That then upon and after true payment of the said some of Three score pounds unto them the said George Ormerod and Anne Ormerod or their assigns, at such tyme or tymes as aforsaid, according to the true meaninge of the said Indentures and anie of this my present last will and testament, All the estate interest, and terme of yeares of them the said George Ormerod and Anne Ormerod or eyther of them or their assigns, .... and unto the said Messuage other buildings and eleven acres of ancient wapentake lands, and the said three roods of land, with one house thereupon builded, and the said twentie acres and two partes of one acre of land of newe improvement, with their and everie of their appurtenances to bee utterlie void to all intents and purposes what so ever And thenceforth the said Randle Holter and Robert Tomme and their heires, and the survivor of them and his heires to stand and bee syned and seized in and upon all and everie the said last mentioned and recyted Messuage other buildings lands premisses and appurtenances what so ever, and everie parte and parcell thereof, To the onely use and behest of the said Peter Ormerod the grandsonne, or such other person or persons as afore said, to whom the inheiritance of the said premises doth or ought to appertaine and belonge, and of their heires and assigns for ever, according to the purport office and true meaninge of the said Indenture: Anie matter or thinge whatsoever in the said Surrender or Indenture or in this my present last will and testament mentioned or contayned to the contrarie thereof in aniewyse notwithstandinge and also my will and mynde is that Peter Ormerod and the said George Ormerod my sonnes and Alice Darbieshire my daughter or their assigns, shall receive and have the lyke some of Three score pounds of lawfull english money equallie devyded amongst them, out of the Messuage other buildings land premisses and appurtenances last above mentioned and everie parte thereof, at such tyme or tymes, and in such manner and forme, as in and by the said Indenture, bearinge the date the said eleventh daie of Novemer in the eleventh yeare of the said late raigne of kinge Charles as aforesaid, is mentioned expressed and declared, accordinge to the office purport and true intent and meaninge of the said Indenture: And concerninge my worldly goods, My will and mynde is That all debts by mee owinge, at the tyme of my decease, to anie person or persons, together with the charges of my Buryall, shall be truelie paid and discharged forth of my whole goods undevyded, by my executors herein after named:

And after my debts and funeral expeses are discharged, My will and mynde is, That all the said goods be devyded into three equal partes, One third parte whereof belongeth unto the said Margaret my wiffe as her legal or .... .... parte of the said. goods, The second third parte belonginge to my children, my will and mynde is, that the same bee equallie devyded betwixt the said George Ormerod my sonne and the said Anne Ormerod my daughter in lieu and discharge of their fillial parts or child portion of all my said goods:

Herby excludlinge the said William Ormerod my said sonne from anie child portion, by reason of both freeholde and copihold lands at the Carrehey Brigge aforesaid, wich are alreadie estated to descend to him after my naturall decease, Alsoe exclud.inge the said Olliver Ormerod my youngest sonne

from anie child’s portion of my said goods, by reason of a competent portion paid and secured to be paid unto him since the tyme of the marriage of the said Olliver: And alsoe excludinge Elizabeth my daughter now wiffe of John Butterworth from anie childs portion of my said goods, by reason of a full childs portion of the same, alreadie paid unto her and the said Johnee Butterworth her husband, by mee the said Peter Ormerod the testator, since the tyme of their marriage, and for the last third parte belonginge to my self I give and bequeath the same as followeth; ffirst I give and bequeath unto ye said Margaret my wiffe, one younge heifer, called the winter calf, and one newe Cupboard standinge in the parlor, Alsoe I give and bequeath unto Alice Ormerod my grandchild, daughter of the said Lawrence Ormerod deceased, six pew

By mee Peter Ormerod

Witness hereof

Thomas Eastwood

John Hartley

Robert Hartley

ter dublers now or lately standing on the shelf in the butterie at the Ormerod aforesaid, one paire of Bedd

stockes now or lately standinge in the chamber over themilkehouse, one little wheel bedd now or lately standinge in the kitchen chamber, six drinke barrels, one galker, one mashtrop and one turninge churn, All which woodden vessels weere the late goods of George Haworth late of Manton aforesaid deceased:

Alsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Peter Ormerod my grandsonne, one chimney or range standinge in the house at Ormerod aforesaid, and two of my best ….

Alsoe I give and bequeath unto Marie Butterworth and George Darbishire my grandchildren eyther of them the some of ten shillings: And the rest and residue of my said third parte of goods, I give and bequeath the saime whollie unto the said George Ormerod and Olliver Ormerod my said sonnes and the said Anne Ormerod my daughter equallie to bee devyded amongst them: And I doe nominate and appoint them the said George Ormerod and Olliver Ormerod my said sonnes to bee joynt executors of this my last will and testament, hopeinge they will performe and fullfill the same accordinge to ye purporte and true meaninge thereof, as my especial trust is in them reposed. In witness whereof I the said Peter Ormerod the testator, to this my present last will and. testament, have my hand, and sette my seale, the dale and yeare first above written

by mee Peter Ormerod

Sealed signed and published for the last will and testament of the said Peter Ormerod ye testator, the dale and yeare first above expresed in the sight and presence of:

Thoas Eastwood

John Hartley

Robert Hartley

This will was prov at London before ye Judges for probate of wills & granting of

.... the 9th day of January 1655 by the oaths of George Ormerod & Olliver Ormerod

his sonnes Executors of ye .… .... to whom was cornited .... they being first sworne by Com ….. to …."